Firefox 4 Beta 7 fixes the blurry font issue, so hardware acceleration can be re-enabled.
Just a note to anyone using the Firefox 4 beta: if fonts are randomly blurry on this site, turn off hardware acceleration in Options -> Advanced -> General.
Starcraft II is awesome!
Just breaking up the huge string of Smash-related updates....
Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!
Happy New Year, everyone!
Fraser (12-10), Nick (12-10), and Peer's (12-21) birthdays are all this month, so I hope you all have/had a happy birthday!
Hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving, so enjoy the turkey!
After McCain's gracious concession speech, it didn't feel right to leave that awful photo of him up there, so I replaced it with a better one.
And it looks like we have a winner!
Strike three, you're out. First they send a "guaranteed working" PS3 that doesn't work, then they refuse to send a replacement for the MGS4 collector's artbook that arrived damaged, and finally they only send disc 2 of a used MGS3: Subsistence. I'm done wasting my time with them.
So here's what happened about that PS3:
-It stopped working < 30 minutes after I turned it on.
-I returned it to GameStop for a refund.
-I bought a cheaper one on eBay.
-The seller posted a note saying he would be away until June 29th.
-I got a refund from him - either he was legit and I wouldn't have gotten it until late June, or he was scamming and I would have been out $330.
-I intend on buying the 80GB bundle (PS3, dual-shock 3, and MGS4) in mid-June.
I just ordered a 20GB (the cheaper of the two with hardware backwards compatibility) PS3 and preordered the limited edition of Metal Gear Solid 4. Drew = bad at saving. Of course, the title of this post says it all.